Leaders in Built Green Technology
A Vancouver Island success story, we pride ourselves on innovative new homes designs, superior workmanship, environmentally responsible home construction practices, and outstanding customer service.
Choose from our exceptional Eco-friendly new homes on southern Vancouver Island or let us help you design your ideal new custom homes on your choice of residential building lots in our Trumpeter Pointe subdivision. From start to finish Nicon provides excellence in new home construction, customer service and new homes building design. |
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CONGRATULATIONS Nicon Developments Limited for this BIG WIN!
2021 VIBE Awards Winner for Best Residential Community of the Year and The Best Single Family Home between 3,000 and 4500 sq ft - Trumpeter Pointe. The Vancouver Island Building Excellence (VIBE) Awards is an Island-wide celebration of building excellence that honors industry professionals for their success. The VIBE awards have come to represent Vancouver Island's most prestigious housing awards program.
2021 VIBE Awards Winner for Best Residential Community of the Year and The Best Single Family Home between 3,000 and 4500 sq ft - Trumpeter Pointe. The Vancouver Island Building Excellence (VIBE) Awards is an Island-wide celebration of building excellence that honors industry professionals for their success. The VIBE awards have come to represent Vancouver Island's most prestigious housing awards program.
Trumpeter Pointe 2021 VIBE Awards Winner
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Nicon in the News....
Nicon Developments has been awarded the 2018 VIREB Commercial Building Awards "Award of Excellence" for the Sequoia Lifestyle Homes Project. This award was presented to Nick Woywitka and Jerry Ellins on April 19th in Nanaimo.
Check out the newest article published on Nicon Developments' history!
Featured this month in the Vancouver Island Business Examiner.
Click here to read the full story.
Nicon Developments has been awarded the 2018 VIREB Commercial Building Awards "Award of Excellence" for the Sequoia Lifestyle Homes Project. This award was presented to Nick Woywitka and Jerry Ellins on April 19th in Nanaimo.
Check out the newest article published on Nicon Developments' history!
Featured this month in the Vancouver Island Business Examiner.
Click here to read the full story.